Diablo 4 players can struggle with bag space

Posted in CategoryDairy Cows & Cattle
  • Devon456 9 months ago


    As is the case in many games, Diablo 4 players can struggle with bag space and inventory management while they are out delving into the dungeons and clearing out hordes of monsters, but a clever trick can preserve space and help players save some gold too. Diablo games are well known for the immense amount of loot that players can get, particularly in dungeons, and it is one of the favorite features of the game for many. Being able to take out mobs and dig through piles of loot for valuable items is a lot of fun, and a great way to make money, but having to keep going back to town to sell is a bit exhausting Diablo 4 Gold.





    Diablo 4 is all about hack slash dungeon crawling and having to pause the battles to go back to town and clear out a character's bags can often be an annoyance. Developers did provide the easy access of Town Portal to quickly pop to town and back as often as needed without having to trudge across the landscape, however, it still can cause some frustrations, particularly when playing in groups. Players simply don't want to have to keep stopping to wait for someone to go sell, which is where this useful trick comes into play.


    The trick was shared by Reddit user Born_Pension_8210 (via Game Rant), who showed a quick and easy way to clean up some spaces in a character's inventory. All a player has to do is socket loose gems into other items in the inventory that the player already has plans to salvage. They pointed out that when an item is salvaged at the Blacksmith, any socketed gems are returned to the inventory automatically at no cost. Unlike the Jeweler who charges a small fee for removing gems from sockets of items, the Blacksmith simply salvages the items and leaves the gems unharmed to be used another day.


    Through the power of video game logic, gems in a character's inventory can take up as much space as weapons and armor do. There is no way to increase inventory space for the backpack, so unless a player wants to make frequent trips to town, they need to get creative on saving that space and be very selective on which loot they pick up. Loot that is lower quality is often better to just leave laying on the ground, but even with selective gathering players will find their bags get full quickly buy Diablo IV Gold.


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