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For Sale
For Purchase
For Rent

Al-Haider Nursery Indoor plansts Garden Decoration gardening metrail

FOR SALE   Price : 1700 PKR    Unit Type Plant/Plants    1 year ago
Ad Detail

پاکستان > >

we are here to provide you the best satisfaction work for you garden and landscaping. we make your garden more beautiful as you thought.

Coordinate with garden designers and landscape architects to ensure the garden meets the client's expectations.

pply pesticides to remove harmful insects such as mosquitos, wasps, and ticks.
Conduct general maintenance duties such as cleaning walkways, fixing fountains, and other duties.
Apply fertilizer to help enhance growth.
Take out weeds and dead plants.
Trim overgrown limbs, hedges, and leaves.
Uphold the landscaping design and ensure plant growth.
Plant new decorative bushes, flowers, plants, and shrubs.
Supervise maintenance repairs to equipment, landscape structures, outdoor furniture, and walkways.
Advise clients on how to look after the landscape.

we provide you the best for you Garden.

Work should be as per your request and satisfactions.

100% original and secure formation will be used
User: Rana Tariq
Time: 2023-12-04 12:11:17

Contact Seller

Rana Tariq

Location: Karachi , Nooriabad


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  1. Meet seller at a safe location.
  2. Check the item before you buy.
  3. Pay only after collecting item.

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