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Ativan Tablet Price in Pakistan #03000828332

کام کی تلاش   Price : 2500 PKR    Unit Type Piece/Pieces    1 year ago
Ad Detail

> >

Ativan pill side effects, both serious and minor

(Lorazepam) mg 1010
excessive sleepiness
extreme agitation and anxiety
severe eyesight haze
extreme confusion
severe mouth drying
heavy headache
gain weight quickly

Uses for Ativan 1 mg/10 10 tablets (lorazepam)

Why is it recommended?

Ativan tablet 1 mg 1010’s (lorazepam) is used to treat status epilepticus, a condition in which seizures last for an extended period of time or occur one right after the other.

Patients having surgical operations can reduce their sensations of anxiety and tension by using preanesthetic Ativan tablets (1 mg/10’s) containing lorazepam.

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User: shopydaraz.pk
Time: 2024-01-08 11:33:53

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Location: Islamabad , Blue Area


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