تلاش کریں

زراعت کی ملازمتیں
زراعت کی ملازمتیں
ڈنگر ڈاکٹر
ڈاکٹر آف ویٹرنری میڈیسن
جانوراورجانوروں کی خوراک
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پھل اور سبزیاں
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کرایے کی مشینیں
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مصالحے اور جڑی بوٹیاں

Farm Manager/Veterinarian Doctor

   7 years ago

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Ad Detail

پاکستان > پنجاب > لاہور

Part time or full time Farm Manager/Veterinarian Doctor needed. Will be required to manage 3 species of animals: 1)Horses 2)Cows 3)Deers
Location of Farm: near Lahore Bedian Road
Required Duties
1) Increase conception rates
2) Purchasing
3) Managing Diseases and Treatments
4) Maintain/increase milk
5) Record/Book keeping/inventory
6)Nutrition and Feed Management
Salary will be offered based on experience and qualifications.
Interested candidates can call ‭+923214531103
User: Mian Asif
Time: 2018-01-12 21:52:04

Contact Employer

Mian Asif

Location: Lahore , Cantt


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  1. Verify the company online presence.
  2. Do not pay or transfer money.
  3. Do not accept an interview via chat or text.
  4. Do not accept unrealistic salaries.
  5. Do not accept a Job offer without interview.

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