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NARC G1 (Garlic Seeds)

FOR SALE   Price : 750 PKR    Unit Type Kilogram/Kilograms    4 years ago
Ad Detail

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A new garlic variety developed (Narc) has yielded 24 tonnes per hectare — the highest ever produced in the country as compared to other garlic cultivars grown locally.

Bulb weight of the newly developed variety called Narc-G1 has been recorded approximately 185.43 grams as compared to the local ‘Lehson Gulab’ which is only 35.45 grams. Narc-G1 is relatively larger than other garlic varieties while cultivation in a suitable climate and proper care can enhance its productivity.
User: Muhammad Naveed
Time: 2021-03-01 05:33:08

Contact Seller

Muhammad Naveed

Location: Khanewal ,


Safety Tips

  1. Meet seller at a safe location.
  2. Check the item before you buy.
  3. Pay only after collecting item.

Customer's Reivews

Muhammad Faisal 13 November 2021

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