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Bone Meal 1 kg

FOR SALE   Price : 450 PKR    Unit Type PKR    3 years ago
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Promotes strong root development and enhances early season growth A wonderful source of phosphorous and calcium for flowering plants, trees and ornamental s, Hara Bone Meal is also recognized as the ideal organic fertilizer when soil preparation. As one of the three big nutrients for plants, phosphorous plays a role in both root and bloom development, which helps produce high-quality fruit and flowers. Phosphorus helps plants take to new soil by boosting root development. Strong root development means plants will grow faster and be healthier because they can absorb more water and nutrients from the soil. Benefits: • An excellent source of organic phosphorus & calcium • Slow release — feeds plants for a long period of time! • Provides both short and long term plant benefits • Great for root and fruit development • High in trace elements Available size: 1 kg Bag 5 Kg Bag DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Vegetable: Row Crops/Acreage: Apply 200 to 300 per acre depending on specific crop needs or required pounds of actual nutrients per acre. Vegetable Gardens & Flower Beds: To prepare new gardens, apply 3 kg. per 100 square feet and thoroughly mix into the top 3″ of soil. For new transplants, add 1-2 tbsp. per hole, mix into soil and water in well. To feed established plants, once each month during the growing season to promote fruiting and flowering. Trees & Shrubs: Spread 1 kg. per 2″ of trunk diameter around the base outwards to the drip line, mix into soil surface and water in well. For new trees, prepare transplant hole and mix 1-2 cups with the backfill soil. Use the amended soil to fill in around the new tree and water in well.
User: Hara OrganicGardening
Time: 2021-12-22 12:38:10

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Hara OrganicGardening

Location: Karachi , University Road


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